Hallelujah only occurs four times in the New Testament, and they are all in this chapter.
Babylon, who led the world astray, has fallen, and there is great rejoicing in heaven. God has judged His enemies, and He avenged for the harlot martyring God's bondservants (17:6). Now He is exalted! The literal translation of 19:6 is:
"The Lord God omnipotent has begun to reign"
This does not mean He has not been in control, but He has permitted evil on the earth, but it is time for "His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). The bride has made herself ready for the marriage feast of the Lamb, JESUS! The church is the bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2; 5:22-33). The bride is dressed in the righteous acts of the saints. Fine linen was worn by the high priest in the Old Testament (Exodus 28:42; Leviticus 6:10; 16:4, 23, 32).
There is much speculation about when and where this marriage feast will take place but our preparation as the bride is much more important than that.
I love what The Daily Walk says about this marriage:
The Bible begins with a marriage (Genesis 2:8, 21-25) and also ends with a marriage -- the marriage feast of the Lamb -- (Revelation 19:9). Christ's first public miracle took place at a marriage (John 2). And for the Christian, marriage is a sacred picture of the world of Christ's love for His bride, the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). (December 2008, p.35)REFLECTION
In October of 1989, my husband told me that he loved me outside my cabin at Harlow Lodge in Eugene, Oregon during a fall church retreat. What a thrill. Four months later, I was engaged and busily preparing to be George's bride. There were some trials that went into becoming his bride, but it was all worth it when I walked down the aisle at 2:00 pm on July 21, 1990, and saw the beaming face of my handsome bridegroom. Hallelujah!!!! The wedding feast was a joyous celebration of our union.
We have another wedding to look forward to, and your Bridegroom is waiting for you at the end of the aisle. Are you busy in preparation to meet Him and become one?
What goes into preparing yourself to be the Bride of Christ?
Spend some time worshiping God today. Hallelujah! You might even like to listen to some more of Handel's Messiah and do not miss the Messiah Meditation in December to review the Scarlet Thread of Redemption!
Lord, You are all-powerful and You reign over all the earth. We worship You for who You are in all Your beauty. We want to be a beautiful bride as we face the Bridegroom. Lead us into a life that is beautiful for You. Amen.
The words in the Hallelujah Chorus come from Revelation 11 and this chapter. So, I am posting this again!
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