
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Revelation 6 - Six Seals and the Great Day of Wrath

LINK: Revelation 6


There are many views as to when the things in Revelation take place. If you would like to read about the different views of the interpretation of Revelation, see here and the Wikipedia article on the subject. In short, some believe that these events have already taken place, and some believe they are in the future.

Revelation 6 is the first of three seven-part judgments. The trumpets are in Revelation 8-9, and the bowls are in Revelation 16. A good way to remember what happens in this chapter is the "sixth chapter has six seals." The seventh seal for this first part of judgments is not broken until Revelation 8:1. 

Cross-referencing may help you in your interpretation. The events of this chapter are very similar to the events predicted by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24-25:
1) Second Red horse of war - Matthew 24:6-7; Revelation 6:3-4
2) Third Black horse of famine - 24:7; 6:5-6
3) Fourth Pale green/ashen horse of death - 24:24:7-9; 6:7-8
4) Martyrdom - 24:9-10, 16-22; 6:9-11
5) Sun and moon darkened and stars falling - 24:29; 6:12-14
6) Judgment - 24:32-25:26; 6:15-17 
You notice that there is no cross-reference in Matthew 24 for the first white horse that has a rider with no arrow (6:2). Some have interpreted this to be Christ, but the crown he wears is not a kingly one (stephanos is the "victor's crown" and not diadema which is the "kingly crown" worn by Christ in Revelation 19:12).  For this reason, many interpreters do not think this is Christ but the Antichrist posing as a world ruler who would establish a world government without war followed by destruction. (Daniel 9:26, 1 Thessalonians 5:3; Revelation 13:4). 

The Four Horsemen correspond with the first four seals opened by the Lamb. The imagery of the four horses is also seen in Zechariah 6:1-8. 

Cross-references help us interpret Scripture with Scripture and are vital for inductive Bible study! These help us understand Revelation 6:
6:12 - Isaiah 2:19-22; Joel 2:28-32; 3:15; Acts 2:14-21
6:13 - Mark 13:21-25
6:14 - Isaiah 13:9-10; 34:1-4
6:15-17 - Zephaniah 1:14-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
The fifth seal involves the response of the martyrs ("a witness") and hearkens back to Old Testament imagery where the blood represents life (Leviticus 17:11), and these martyrs under the altar gave their lives sacrificially for God's glory (Philippians 2:17; 2 Timothy 4:6). They are eager for the vindication of God's holiness and for Him to bring justice to earth and not necessarily revenge, but they are told to wait.

The sixth seal includes worldwide catastrophes! (It keeps me wanting to cling to God and tell more and more people about Him so that they will escape His judgment!)

Remember: Revelation 6 means six seals opened.


2023 Update

When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar 
the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God 
and the testimony they had maintained. (6:9)

Reading this chapter, makes me think of modern-day martyrs, one of whom we knew.

Since I wrote this in 2010, on February 13, 2017, Raymond Koh was abducted by Royal Malaysia Police in the middle of the day. He has not been seen since. He had been threatened for years. Please pray for his family and that they would find out what happened to him. 

Voice of the Martyrs will host the Hearts of Fire event with Koh's wife, Susanna, and three other widows of modern-day martyrs on July 14, 2023, at 7 pm Eastern time. (If you read this and the event has passed, see if there is a recorded version somewhere on the website.)


How would God have you respond to this chapter? Talk to Him about it. 

Possible applications are:
  • Pray through resources at the Voice of the Martyrs website and for the Koh family. 
  • Pray for the lost around you. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News!
  • Look up the cross-references above.


Lord God, we worship You as a God of justice and holiness. We look forward to the day when this will be established on the earth. In the meantime, draw many to Yourself so that they will escape this! Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. What a good review of Revelation and reminder to pray for Raymond Koh's family.


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