There is a page entitled "How the Bible Book Club Came to Be" above to hear the story!
My approach to the Bible is what Dallas Willard says below:
Its purpose is practical, not academic. An intelligent, careful, intensive but straightforward reading—that is, one not governed by obscure and faddish theories or by a mindless orthodoxy—is what it requires to direct us into life in God’s kingdom. Any other approach to the Bible, I believe, conflicts with the picture of the God that, all agree, emerges from Jesus and his tradition.
Willard, Dallas (2009-02-06). The Divine Conspiracy . Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
So come join us for a three year, practical, intensive but straightforward reading. Each day I will have a . . .
BACKGROUND - If you get stuck, it helps give information that might be helpful.
REFLECTION - My musings on the passage
APPLICATION - An idea for a possible "I WILL" statement for you!
The only thing that is missing is accountability from others so you can do "Kingdom" living together! Try to find someone so you can hold each other accountability in your "I WILL's"!
YEAR ONE involves Creation to the Kingdom of Israel with Psalms and Proverbs interspersed in their time periods.
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