"The Subject excels
every other Subject.
The Subject is
every other Subject.
The Subject is
Charles Jennens
(Virgil, Eclogue IV)
And without controversy,
great is the mystery of godliness:
great is the mystery of godliness:
God was manifested in the flesh,
justified by the Spirit,
justified by the Spirit,
seen of angels,
preached among the Gentiles,
preached among the Gentiles,
believed on in the world,
received up in glory.
received up in glory.
(1 Timothy 3:16)
In whom are hid all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
(Colossians 2:3)
Jennens prefaces Messiah with a motto from Eclogue IV (poem in a classical style on a pastoral subject) by Virgil (70 B.C. - 19 B.C.). The English translation of majora canamus is . . .
"Let us sing of greater things."
It is interesting to note that Virgil's Eclogue IV imagines:
. . . a golden age ushered in by the birth of a boy heralded as 'great increase of Jove' . . . Some scholars have also remarked similarities between the eclogue's prophetic themes and the words of Isaiah 11:6: "a little child shall lead."("Eclogues" Wikipedia)MIND MEDITATION
1 Timothy 3:16
Paul has just finished telling his spiritual son in the faith, Timothy, that the church is the "household of the living God" and the "pillar and support of the truth" (3:15; Ephesians 2:20-22). We have a "common confession" that comprises the basic tenets of our faith. These tenets are the pillars of the church that is built on Jesus Christ. Many commentators believe this verse is quoted from a hymn sung in the early church.
The truth about godliness was a mystery but was revealed in Jesus Christ when He . . .
Came in the flesh
Jesus is our Immanuel which means "God is with us" (Matthew 1:23; John 14:1-9). He is both God and man. He took on the limitations of humanity so He could live and die for all who would believe in Him. Messiah movements 2-33 cover from His birth to His ascension. Jesus is even "with us" now to lead us into a life of abiding in Him.
and was . . .
Vindicated by the Spirit
The Greek word for vindicated means "to declare, pronounce, one to be just, righteous." The Spirit worked through Jesus to perform many miracles in His life and His resurrection from the dead (Acts 2:24-36, Romans 1:4, 8:11). This proved His righteousness.
Exalted in heaven by angels
Angels announced His coming (Luke 2:13), but they also announced His resurrection (Luke 24:4-6). Hebrews 1:4-14 asserts that Christ is superior to the angels, and they worship Him. Angels were present from His birth to His assumption into heaven and mentioned several times in Messiah.
Preached among the nations
God's intention has always been that the nations (Gentiles, peoples) would be blessed through Jesus Christ (Genesis 3:15; 12:1-3). Jesus commissioned the church to do this until His return (Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 24:14).
Believed in the world
This is the result of these truths being preached among the nations, and it is still happening (1 Cor. 1:18-2:5)!
Taken up in glory
He ascended (Acts 1:2, 22, Ephesians 4:10), is preparing a place for all who believe (John 14:2) and will come again and take His church to that glory (1 Thess. 4:16-18).
Paul wanted to make sure Timothy and his congregation at Ephesus understood these basics, and Handel and Jennens wanted us to understand them also!
Colossians 2:3
The false teachers at Colossae were teaching that simply believing in Jesus was not enough and that there was "special wisdom and knowledge" for an elite few.
Paul wanted the believers then and now to understand that Christ is "all" (a keyword in the book) we need. He is enough and that "all the fullness of God dwells in Him." Believers can move forward with that.
We are already complete (full) in Christ and rooted in Him (the verb tense means "once for all" rooted). Therefore, we are not to be tumbleweeds! We were dead, but now we are alive (2:13-14; Ephesians 2:1-10). Our sins have been nailed to the cross, and we are forgiven.
He warned believers then and now not to be taken captive by false doctrine. We are not to submit ourselves to rules and regulations that Christ never gave us to follow. We are to look to him as our Head.
Fullness, forgiveness, and freedom are available in Christ. He is all we need. Hallelujah!
PART ONE: The Coming of the Messiah in Overture and Five ScenesPaul wanted the believers then and now to understand that Christ is "all" (a keyword in the book) we need. He is enough and that "all the fullness of God dwells in Him." Believers can move forward with that.
We are already complete (full) in Christ and rooted in Him (the verb tense means "once for all" rooted). Therefore, we are not to be tumbleweeds! We were dead, but now we are alive (2:13-14; Ephesians 2:1-10). Our sins have been nailed to the cross, and we are forgiven.
He warned believers then and now not to be taken captive by false doctrine. We are not to submit ourselves to rules and regulations that Christ never gave us to follow. We are to look to him as our Head.
Fullness, forgiveness, and freedom are available in Christ. He is all we need. Hallelujah!
(Note: Each number represents a "movement" or song)
1. Sinfonia (Overture)
Scene 1 (2-4) - Prophecy of Comforting Salvation
Scene 2 (5-7) - Prophecy of the Lord's Coming from a Terrifying Point of View
Scene 3 (8-12) - Prophecy of the Virgin Birth of the Messiah
Scene 4 (13-17) - Angels' Announcement to Shepherds of Christ's Birth
Scene 5 (18-21) - Prophecy of the Messiah's Deeds on Earth and Man's Response
Listen to the beautiful symphonic introduction to Messiah:
"When Biblical truth is joined with music that reaches the soul,
then the human spirit soars."
E. McCabe
Messiah: A Devotional Commentary, p. 12
Lord Jesus, may our spirits soar to You as
we begin this exciting journey!
It is a symphony set for oboes and strings in the style of a French overture (slow first part and fugue [each instrument "voice" chases the previous one] part).
The first part has a long note followed by a short note (or groups of notes). It is "stately" and solemn and reminds me of royalty: the King of all kings is coming!
The second part is fast and more like a lively dance! Like the joyful exultation we will have when our King of kings comes in all His glory at the Second Coming.
In the end, the symphony returns to the stately pace to set the tone for the prophecies to come in Scene 1!
Realizing that I have an international audience, some of you may have a concept of the "pomp" involved with having a king or queen. As an American, I do not have a frame of reference. The closest I have come to it is watching shows about the Queen of England on PBS and royal weddings! There is something very thrilling about it, and this music captures the glory of the King of ALL kings bursting onto the scene of history to change our lives. Try to let that sink deeply into your soul today. Pause in God's presence for a moment and think about that (Selah).
- Listen for how God might have you respond to this.
- How would God have you live this out in your life?
- Who will hold you lovingly accountable in your follow-through?
- Who will you tell what you learned today? (Telling someone helps cement it in your mind and heart. Brain science proves this!)
I will listen to the music again and imagine that the King of kings is arriving at my door in order to dine with me (Revelations 3:20). I will welcome Him with reverence and joy this Advent season.
I will tell you how it went tomorrow!
Just hearing the Sinfonia has me so excited. The subject is MESSIAH!