LINK: Joshua 10
Joshua had originally attacked the land of Canaan, splitting the country in two and preventing the north and south from uniting against Israel. Now, the five southern Amorite kings from the hill country of Canaan (Genesis 14:13-16) united to attack Joshua's deceitful allies, the Gibeonites. Some believe Joshua was obligated to help the Gibeonites since they had made a treaty with them, but the Scriptural record does not indicate a defense pact. Joshua did it because it was a strategic way to see all these kingdoms conquered in one campaign, not to mention that God said He would give the Israelites the victory. He gave them that victory by providing hailstones and an extra-long day. A fun thing to note is that the sun and the moon were important deities to the Canaanites. At the prayer of Joshua, the Canaanite gods had to obey!
With the defeat of the five kings, southern Canaan was secured!
No Reflection and Application today. It is a "keep reading" day!
Lord, I thank You that the victory is Yours. Teach us to be strong and courageous when You give us something to do that is "God-sized." Lord, I know there are some who are reading this blog who face many fears. I pray for an extra measure of faith today to move forward in spite of fear if You are calling them out to new territory. I ask this in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen.
I want to "AMEN" my prayer from that day. Please give courage to those who are fearful today!