
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Joshua 11 & 12 - The Northern Victories and Summary of Campaigns

LINK: Joshua 11 & 12


Joshua 11 includes the Northern Campaign in the conquest of Israel. Joshua 12 is a review of the 31 victories led by Joshua but achieved in the strength of the Lord.

The conquest of the land is estimated at seven years based on the life-span of Caleb. At the beginning of the conquest, he was 78 (Joshua 14:7, Deuteronomy 2:14). The conquest of Hebron occurred when he was 85 years old (Joshua 14:10).


What are the "victories" you have enjoyed over the last year? Have you had any breakthroughs in the strength of the Lord in any of these areas?
  • the use of your tongue
  • the use of your money
  • your relationship with your spouse, parents, or neighbors
  • sharing your faith
  • helping people grow in the Lord
  • controlling your temper
  • self-control in a difficult area of addiction  
    (List adapted from The Daily Walk, March 2008)
    Have a "review" of your victories like the one in Joshua 12. Spend time in praise to God for His victories in your life this year.

    Every February, the pastors and leaders of our valley meet for days of prayer together. This year (2014), we met for a "mini-summit" and part of what we did was report what God had done since February. I went in weighed down with burdens, but I was able to reflect on all He had done in just a few months, and I was so encouraged! We should review victories often!


    Lord, You are our strength. You give us victory. Help us to rely on You to overcome strongholds in our life. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.


    1. Yes, I can see growth (even though the original posts were written in 2008, I refer to 2014 in this post. I wrote all the ones that Katrina wrote in the second and third cycles of the book club - or this may have an update to the original post - I am not sure). I have especially grown in not letting things bottle up so that I have an outburst! I am not an angry person, but I used to bottle up and bottle up and about twice a year I would word vomit! I have not had one of these since maybe 2015? I think "catching myself in the act" of what is going on internally when I feel anxiety or fear and not reacting to it but acknowledging it to the Lord and then praying through it has really helped me. I don't stuff until I blow. I don't react but respond to the emotions I am feeling. I also walk away from drama people and bullies. That has also really helped me. The guy from yesterday's post really was being a bully!

    2. Two great ways to allow emotions to come but then processing them with the Lord are Examen Prayer and Immanuel Journaling.


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