
Friday, September 19, 2008

1 Samuel 29 & 30 - Katrina's Reflection, Application, and Prayer

I am reposting many of these posts in 2011, but I am leaving posts that others have written. Katrina and I combined on this particular post. So, I am  leaving her part of the post here for posterity. Thanks Katrina for all your labor in the first round of Bible Book Club!!!

REFLECTION with Katrina

The Lord is always at work, but from our perspective we don't always see it. God allowed the Amalekites to raid Ziklag and capture all who were there while David and the fighting men were gone. But he did not allow them to kill anyone before David rescued them. God allowed David to be called to battle by Achish, but he didn't make or let David go into battle against Israel. David's own men turned against him in their hearts, but God did not allow them to stone David. The Egyptian slave fell sick and was left behind to die along the road. But God provided for his rescue by David and then the Egyptian helped David. This slave was not only kept alive through his deadly circumstances, but he was also freed from his slavery to the Amalekites. All of these situations looked hopeless at a certain point to those in the middle of them. But God used these difficult situations for the good of these people in the end.

APPLICATION with Katrina

When David found himself at the end of himself, he "strengthened himself in the Lord his God." He pulled himself away from his circumstances and let God refresh him. When he was exhausted, he drew strength from God. When he wasn't sure what step to take next, he just flat out asked God to tell him what to do. We would do well to follow David's example. We can find strength in the Lord on a daily basis as well as in times of distress by spending time in God's word and in seeking his face. The Bible and prayer are sources of strength to us from God. The men came back from battle and didn't want to share with those who stayed behind, but David declared that those who stayed behind were just as important as those who fought and should share equally in the spoils. The same is true in the church today. Some people hav eministries that are much more visible than others. That doesn't make the others any less important or deserving of less reward. Whatever ministry God has given you, do with all your heart. The world's perspective has no bearing on God's perspective. Each member of the body of Christ is valuable and has been gifted to serve. So avoid comparison and competition (like Carol mentioned the other day), and serve in whatever capacity God has given you to serve.


Lord, we can't always see and understand what you are doing, but we know that you make all things work together for the good of those who love you. We love you and want to serve you. Help us keep our eyes off earthly values and focus on obeying and serving you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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