
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Psalm 56 - Fear and Faith

LINK: Psalm 56


Commentators aren’t certain exactly when David wrote this, even though the title says, “A Michtam of David when the Philistines captured him in Gath.” Gath is a city in Philisitia. Most think it corresponds with the time he feigned insanity in Philistia recorded in I Samuel 21. Regardless, it’s clear from the psalm itself that it was composed when David was surrounded by enemies, something true of him quite often during this period of his life when he was running from Saul.


Several parts of this psalm have ministered to me as I’ve meditated on it.

Verse 3 says, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you (God).” We do fear. This psalm faces that as a reality. There will be times when I am afraid. But when I am, as soon as I realize it, I am to turn to God in trust.

How? How do I trust God when fear begins to take me captive?

Three times this psalm links trust with praising God’s word. “In God (I will praise His word),/ In God I have put my trust.” (4) “In God (I will praise His word), / In the Lord (I will praise His word), / In God I have put my trust; / I will not be afraid, / What can man do to me?” (10-11)

So when I fear (as I will), I am to remember and praise His Word. Remembering His promises and praising Him for them is an antidote for fear! David might have remembered promises such as those in the beginning of Deuteronomy 28. I have the whole Bible to choose from!

There are some beautiful metaphors in this psalm. David says in verse 8: “You (God) number my wanderings;/ Put my tears into Your bottle;/ Are they not in Your book?”

I had a friend once who told me that God never wastes pain. That has stuck with me. And that’s what these verses indicate. I love the image of God putting every teardrop of mine in His bottle. God knows and keeps track of what we experience - every hurt, every tear.

“What can man (flesh) do to me?” (4, 11) Sometimes when I feel fear and doubt, this is where I end up. What is the most man can do to me? People can hurt me physically and emotionally, but they have no power over my heart, over my soul. Who do I fear more, people or God? Fear of God will keep me from other fears.


In order to recall God’s promises, we first have to know them! I cannot stress enough the importance of soaking in God’s Word, of hiding it in your heart. So soak!

If you are struggling with doubt and fear, find a promise of God to cling to, to praise Him for. 2 Peter 1: 3-4 says, “…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” God’s promises help us to be conformed to His image, make us more like Him.

I don’t know what you’re going through. Maybe no one reading this is in a rough time. But if you’re struggling with fear or doubt and have no strength to find a promise of God to cling to, please let one of us know, either in the comment section or by email. We are your sisters and we want to help bear your burden.


Father God, when we fear and doubt help us to remember Your promises and cling to them, praise You for them. Help us to fear You more than we fear other people, so that we can live without fear – in trust and obedience. If someone who reads this is struggling with fear or doubt, I ask that You somehow bring to her mind one of Your promises, so that she can begin to praise you and not fear. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Becky and welcome back to posting. God timed this Psalm really well (since I wondered why I didn't put it after the insanity time in 1 Samuel!) because the verses "When I am afraid, I will trust in You" from Psalm 56 in my Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship book while I was praying and walking around my block (waved HI to Dorothy from this BBC as she waved from her car too!). Then, I came inside from my walk and, low and behold, I got these verses again. We had just dad some hard news the day before, and I was praying through that when God gave me these verses TWICE. I stood up and took notice!

    I heartily agree about hiding God's Word in your heart. Those 1 Peter verses are so precious. My bible says the "true knowledge of Him." I remember pondering that long and hard one day long ago. I had been struggling with a long-term sin, and no amount of will power could make it go away. A true knowledge of God is the path to godliness. The more I really KNOW Him (heart not head knowledge), I wouldn't want to sin! The only way to have a true knowledge of Him is through the most accurate portayal and communication of Him in the Word!


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