
Saturday, October 15, 2011

2 Samuel 22 & Psalm 18 - Praise God for His Deliverance!

LINK: 2 Samuel 22 & Psalm 18

2 Samuel 22 is almost identical to Psalm 18.  So, you can read through 2 Samuel 22 and then pray through Psalm 18 today and savor it. 


David was an old man who could speak from experience because the Lord had delivered him from all his enemies. He had fought his last battle, and this is a song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord as he looked back at God's faithfulness. "Deliver" is a key word. God had delivered him from five attempts by Saul to kill him (1 Samuel 18:10-11; 19:8-10, 18-24) and numerous enemies. 

I hope you can savor the perfect goodness of God's character in every word of 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18!


Think about God as your rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, etc. Recall your own history of protection and deliverance. Illustrate it. Pray through it. Write a poem or a song. Enjoy!


Pray responsively through Psalm 18.

1 comment:

  1. God, you are my rock and fortress. Today, I am inside working on projects (I have to write two things for an organization's blog). Thank you for your protection as I write.


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