
Friday, October 14, 2011

Psalm 140 - Protection in Persecution

LINK: Psalm 140 


Traditionally, Psalm 140 is connected with the rebellion of Sheba in 2 Samuel 20. Some commentators connect it with David's years in King Saul's court as Saul's envy and paranoia grew (1 Samuel 17-19). 

It is a prayer for protection from evil men. In the midst of his trial, David focused on God and the future He had for him. It is sometimes included in the "imprecatory psalms" because David calls for God to bring down misfortune on his enemies. 


God is a God of protection, but Jesus commanded us to "love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us" (Matthew 5:43-48). So, there is no need for "imprecatory" prayers.  I always say to myself about others, "Do not cross me or you will be prayed for!!" That is the Jesus way. 


Bless in prayer those who have persecuted or hurt you.

As I write this update, ISIS is closing in on Christians in Iraq. The atrocities are many. Could you pray for them instead of cursing them? 

30-Day Prayer Guide for ISIS

(2023 Update: When I wrote this, ISIS was at the peak of its power. They are still active and still need prayer.)

I have posted this before, but please listen to these two messages about the response we as followers of Jesus should have toward people like ISIS:

"Serve to Win"

"The Other Side of Fear" (exciting news about current events)


Lord, I ask You to bless all those who persecute us. Lord, please visit them with Your presence and transform them with the power of Jesus. Amen.  

1 comment:

  1. ISIS/ISIL is still powerful! I just looked up their most recent activity. I will keep praying.


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