by Katrina
Everything that happens in this life "under the sun" has an appropriate time of occurrence. There is an appointed time for everything - a time for birth and a time for death, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build up, and so on (v 2-8). This passage is very well-known and popular. I've heard songs written from it. It is a very poetic way to demonstrate the variety of things that happen in this life.
In verse 11, Solomon transitions from this life to the next. "He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart." Mankind has been given a sense of eternity. He knows in his heart that this life is not all there is. We can look beyond the daily routine of life toward eternity. In light of eternity, Solomon reminds his readers that there is also a judgment coming. "God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man" (v. 17). Every man dies and his body returns to dust, but his soul ascends to God (v 21).
"I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him" (v. 14). All the things that we do routinely on a day-to-day basis - laundry, meals, plant, build, search, weep, etc. - are not things that will remain forever. They are the stuff of this life and allow us to function "under the sun." But God's work is eternal. He has eternal purpose. We know from the New Testament that we can join God in this eternal work and purpose, but it's still God's work, not ours. We still have to do the stuff of this life, but what a privilege it is to join God in this work of eternal value!
We have many tasks to do in this life, and sometimes we get bogged down in them all. Solomon has some good reminders for us here in verse 12-13 and 22.
- We are to rejoice in our work
- We should resolve to do good in this life
- We can enjoy the fruits of our labor
- We should recognize them as a gift from God.
Father, thank you for all you have given us -- ability to work, food and drink to enjoy, (add anything you are thankful for). Remind us to rejoice in our work that we do on a day-to-day basis. Help us to seek out good things we can do in this life to benefit others. We praise you as the eternal God, whose work will remain forever. Amen.
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