
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ecclesiastes 4 - Scenes of Life

LINK: Ecclesiastes 4

by Katrina

Having discussed the times of life, Solomon now looks around at several "scenes" from life on this earth.

First, he observes those who are oppressed and those who oppress them. Neither is happy.

Next, he watches laborers in their competition against one another. He sees both the hard working man (v 4) and the lazy man (v 5). He sees a well-balanced man (v 6). But he also sees the workaholic (v 8) who couldn't get enough no matter how much he had. The work of the laborers is vanity and striving after wind.

Third, he observes two men together. Because there are two of them, they have some benefits over isolated men -- in their labor, when one falls, in keeping warm, and in protection. There is another person to help in all these situations. And the fact that there are two working together makes them stronger.

The final scene is the throne room of the king. Although a man is king, it is not worth much if he is also a fool. A poor man can come out of prison and take the throne. But in the end, he will lose the throne to another successor. This, too, is vanity and striving after wind.

One thing Solomon points out in this chapter is that we need balance in our lives. For example, we need to work, but the work itself is not the goal, neither is great riches for riches' sake. Our work should be productive but not all-consuming. I like how Solomon illustrated his point -- we should have work in one hand and rest in the other.

Life is full of opportunities to go "overboard" in one area and neglect another. Take some time to examine your life and evaluate whether it's balanced. You might ask a close friend to help you in your evaluation. (Sometimes our own perceptions aren't quite accurate, but a loving friend can help you see things more realistically.) Some specific areas to consider and questions to ask yourself --
  • time - Do I use my time wisely or fritter it away on meaningless activities?
  • money - How do I spend it? Am I investing in things of value, or just purchasing pleasure for today?
  • health - My body belongs to the Lord. Am I taking care of it? Am I using it in a way that is pleasing to him?
  • abilities/talents - Do I honor God with my creative abilities?

Lord, you have blessed us and given us many things in this life. Help us to be wise stewards of the time, money, health, abilities, and other resources you have given us. Teach us how to keep our lives balanced and to use these resources for your glory and honor rather than only for personal gain. Amen.

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