LINK: 2 Chronicles 11
by Katrina
Rehoboam began to gather his army to take the northern tribes back from Jeroboam by force, but God sent the prophet Shemaiah to tell him not to fight against Jeroboam. So the nation was split permanently - the tribes of Judah & Benjamin became the kingdom of Judah under Rehoboam, and the other ten tribes became the kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam. And Rehoboam strengthened the cities on his borders, so he would be able to hold Benjamin & Judah if they were attacked by other nations. These cities were on the west, south, and east borders; not on the north, where Israel was.
Jeroboam's land did not contain the temple of the Lord, since it was in Jerusalem, so he established worship of calves in various places around his kingdom and appointed men (not Levites) to serve as priests. So Jeroboam led the people of Israel into idolatry, the key event that will lead to the destruction of Israel. His 18 successors will do likewise, and not a single king of Israel will love and serve the Lord.
Rehoboam, on the other hand, listened to the Lord and obeyed him for three years. Many of the priests and Levites who were living in the northern kingdom left their land and property and went to Jerusalem so they could continue to serve as priests of the Lord. Others of the tribes of Israel "who set their hearts on seeking the LORD God of Israel," followed the priests and Levites to Jerusalem where they could sacrifice to the LORD.
I want to be one who sets my heart on seeking the Lord, and not just for three years (or any other limited amount of time). How about you?
Lord, we are surrounded by those who do not love you, do not seek you, do not serve you. Let us not give in to the pressure to conform to those around us but to allow you to transform our hearts and minds so that we continually seek you with a whole heart. Encourage our hearts through other believers and your Holy Spirit. Teach us to walk in your ways, so that our hearts and minds may be fully set on you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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