
Monday, April 20, 2009

2 Chronicles 17-18: Jehoshaphat, part 1

LINK: 2 Chronicles 17-18
Parallel Passage: 1 Kings 22

by Katrina

Jehoshaphat reigned as king of Judah 873-848 B.C.

In chapter 17 we begin reading about Jehoshaphat's reign as king. He strengthened his position militarily in the cities which his father Asa had captured. He built fortresses and large storehouses in various places around Judah. And he developed a large army. The neighboring countries that surrounded Judah feared Jehoshaphat because they were afraid of the God Jehoshaphat served. The author makes it clear that the reason Jehoshaphat was so successful as king was because the Lord was with him. Jehoshaphat followed David's example and did not worship idols, specifically the Baals which were the object of worship in and around Israel and Judah. Not only that, but Jehoshaphat took great pride in God's law and actively removed the objects of idol worship in Judah. Then he went one step further: He sent officials out to the cities of Judah, with God's word in their hands, to teach all the people the law of the Lord.

Chapter 18 tell of Jehoshophat's interactions with Ahab the king of Israel. Jehoshophat allied himself with Ahab by the marriage of his son Jehoram to one of Ahab's (and Jezebel's) daughters. When he was visiting Ahab some years later, Ahab asked him to join in his military effort against Ramoth-Gilead. Jehoshaphat agreed to do it, and most of this chapter tells about the prophets that they consulted and what happened during that battle. Many of the Lord's prophets in Israel no longer spoke the words of the Lord because they feared Ahab more than they feared the Lord. One prophet, Micaiah, however, only spoke what God said. Ahab never liked to hear from Micaiah. Those who are against the Lord rarely want to hear what the Lord has to say!

The vision that the Lord gave Micaiah is a very interesting account of God's dealings with man and orchestrating events on the earth. From this account we learn that God sometimes uses the spirit world to affect the human world on the earth. You'll remember that in the case of Job, Satan (a spirit) himself came to God making accusations, and God allowed Satan to do certain things to Job. In this case, God sends an evil spirit to entice Ahab to go into battle. Ahab had led a very corrupt life that was very much against God, and this battle was to be his end. Not long ago, we touched on the sovereignty of God, and this is another excellent example of God's control over the events on earth. The hearts of kings, such as Ahab, are in God's hands.

Jehoshophat didn't simply keep the law himself and obey the Lord himself. He also sent the law out all over the land with the specific purpose of teaching it to everyone in the country he ruled. Micaiah was a man who boldly spoke the word of the Lord, even though he knew his audience wouldn't be pleased with the message. In contrast to Jehoshaphat and Micaiah, Ahab stifled the word of the Lord and imprisoned God's true messenger. Ahab lived in the darkness and refused to allow the light of God to shine in his presence. Many of God's prophets were not brave and obedient as Micaiah was and no longer spoke the word of the Lord in Ahab's presence for fear of his reaction to them.

I got to thinking -- Which on of these four examples am I most like?
  1. Jehoshaphat, who obeyed the Lord and wanted to spread God's word around to everyone he could influence
  2. Micaiah, who spoke boldly the word of the Lord even though he knew the king did not want to hear what he had to say
  3. Ahab, who chose to live a life of sin and tried to block God out of his life
  4. The other prophets, who didn't trust the Lord over their fear of the king, so changed the message of the Lord to try to please the audience
Personally, I'm not as bold as Micaiah, and I don't speak God's word much around those who don't want to hear it. I am much more like Jehoshaphat in that I love to teach God's word. If someone shows even the slightest interest, I am more than willing to show them what God says in his word.

Unfortunately, there are many like Ahab and the other prophets around - even in the church. Many preachers "water down" the message of the gospel because they are more interested in pleasing their audience than in pleasing and obeying God by giving his true message.

Many live in darkness, and they will never see the light of the gospel unless those who have the light "shine" it to them.

What about you? Which of these are you most like?

Lord, you are the source of light and you have chosen to shine that light among men through Jesus. Teach us to shine like lights in this world and to share the light of Jesus with many others. Help us to be like Jehoshaphat and Micaiah who boldly taught and proclaimed your word, even to those who did not want to hear it. The fear of man is a snare to us; help us remember always to fear only you, and thereby live in obedience to you. Let your word go forth through us to be spread around the world. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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