Babylon would be the instrument God would use to judge Judah, but she would eventually be destroyed. The gods of Babylon would not be able to save them because the one true God was superior to Babylon's gods.
Bel was another name for Marduk (Jeremiah 50:2), god of the sun. Nebo, son of Marduk, was the god of learning, writing, and astronomy. Their images were carried during the New Year's Day festival. God did not need to be carried, but He would carry His people!
Listen is a key word in Isaiah (44:1; 46:3, 12; 47:8; 48:1, 12, 14, 16; 51:4; 52:8; 55:2) that you may want to underline. It is the same word that is in the SHEMA of Deuteronomy 6:4:
Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!
This Hebrew word means more than just listen or hear. It means "to listen in order to obey."
Are you listening intentionally to the Lord today? Are you obeying what He is telling you to do? I like to write it down. I have a listening time in the shower every day, and I have a shower crayon so that I can write down what He tells me to do. I keep it on the shower wall until I obey it!
God Guides is a great book to motivate you to do this.
God Guides is a great book to motivate you to do this.
Lord, we praise You as king of Kings and God of gods. You are high and above all other gods. We praise You as the one and only TRUE God. We praise You for Your power to rule over all the nations, and we ask that we might listen to Your mighty voice today and obey. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
LISTEN and OBEY. I think we often do not listen. I listened today, and it was great! He led, and I obeyed.