
Friday, June 29, 2012

Isaiah 47 - The Fall of Babylon

LINK: Isaiah 47


It is estimated that these undated prophecies were given toward the end of Isaiah's ministry (681 B.C.). Isaiah predicted the fall of Babylon more than 140 years before it happened in 539 B.C. when it fell to the Medo-Persians leading Cyrus to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem! What is extraordinary about this prophecy is that Babylon was not even a world power at that time. So, who would have thought that Judah would have fallen to them and be carried into exile in 587 B.C.? 

We will learn more about the fall of Babylon when we study Daniel. 


God used Babylon to judge Judah. He used Assyria to judge Israel. They were both ruthless nations. God uses some pretty unconventional events, people, and nations to accomplish His purposes. 

Just yesterday, I read an article out loud to my friend, Kathleen, about the spread of the Gospel in a very closed country, The extreme government kicked all global workers out of the country in 1979 and has done all they can to force the people to follow a certain religion, causing the people to question everything about what they have believed:
In the year 2000, Christian satellite broadcasting began beaming the gospel to almost every home in _____. This was made possible by the fact that millions of satellite dishes had been illegally smuggled into _____ by corrupt members of the same government that had outlawed them. The Christian satellite programs became a lifeline for the church in _____. Much more, when the people learned that the government was trying to scramble the broadcasts, they became an overnight sensation. Recent nationwide surveys reveal that over 70% of the population is watching Christian satellite programs. These same surveys indicate that at least one million have already become believers, and many millions more are on the verge. 
God has used this evil regime to accomplish His purposes! Praise Him!

2023 Update


With this growth, there has become increasing persecution of the believers. Please pray for this country even if I cannot say it by name! We know many people from this nation, and we love them with all of our hearts. We even know many from this country who have come to follow Jesus!

Also, how have you seen God's purposes linked with personal events in your life? Sometimes, hard things happen, but when we look back, we can see how God used it mightily in our life. Can you see that?


Lord, accomplish Your purposes among these people and in our own lives. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Lord, it is exciting to read an update about this place. I have invested much prayer there. I will continue to pray!


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