
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Isaiah 48 - Obstinacy or Submission

LINK: Isaiah 48  


God reproved His people for their hypocrisy much like Samuel reproved Saul in 1 Samuel 15:22. The Jews were going through all the right ceremonial motions, but their hearts were so far from God. For this, God called them obstinate. This comes from the Hebrew word qāšeh which comes from the root word qāšâ that arose from an agricultural term for the oxen's rebellious resistance to the yoke. Israel had a history of being non-responsive to God since the time of Moses (Deuteronomy 9:27; 10:16; Judges 2:19; 2 Kings 17:14; Nehemiah 9:16; Acts 7:51). They bowed to the Lord and to idols, and God wanted their whole heart. 

Israel had ignored previous prophecies of the coming captivity, but He would give them new ones that foretold of being released from that captivity. For His purposes and His name's sake (not because of any righteousness on their part because they had dismally failed in this department), He would bring salvation by predicting the fall of Babylon and the victories of Cyrus, King of Persia (48:14) that would eventually lead to their return from captivity. 

Their way could have been peaceful like a river (48:18), but they were too stiff-necked to do it the easy way. Instead, there was "no peace for the wicked" (48:22; 57:21). 


We can all be obstinate toward the Lord now and then. We resist God's yoke because it cramps our style, but living for one's self only leads to a life devoid of peace (48:22). Much (but not all) suffering is brought on by trying to live life our way rather than His way. Trust me, I know!

Christ said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:29-30).  It requires we surrender our will and the way that we think is right (Philippians 4:3; James 4:7) for a way that leads to righteousness and peace.

The choice is ours. What do you choose for your life? 


So much suffering is brought on by our own foolish choices. Have you submitted yourself 100% to His way? 

If you have not, talk to God about that. 


Lord, we submit our lives to you 100%, 24/7/365. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Lord, give me the wisdom to make wise choices. I need to make a few in the next week or so.


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