LINK: Galatians 6
Warren Wiersbe has this great formula:
liberty + love = service to others
liberty - love = license (slavery to sin)
(Be Free (Galatians): Exchange Legalism for True Spirituality (The BE Series Commentary)
Warren Wiersbe's commentaries are my favorite. They are so very practical!
In light of believers receiving a gospel of grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul exhorts the Galatians that they are now free to help others by restoring friends who have fallen into sin and carrying their burdens (6:1-5), helping pastors and teachers by supporting them financially (6:6-10) and serving others (especially our brothers and sisters in Christ) out of the pure motive of love (6:10-18).
Below is a devotional I wrote for a marriage retreat. It can apply to all of our relationships (parents, children, friends, coworkers, and significant others). So, please don't ignore it if you are single. :)
Live creatively,
If someone falls into
sin, forgivingly restore him,
saving your critical
comments for yourself.
You might be needing
forgiveness before the day's out.
Make a careful
exploration of who you are and the work
you have been given,
and then sink yourself into that.
Don't be impressed
with yourself.
Don't compare yourself
with others.
Each of you must take
responsibility for doing
the creative best you
can with your own life.
Don't be misled: No
one makes a fool of God.
What a person plants,
he will harvest.
The person who plants
ignoring the needs of
others — ignoring God! —
harvests a crop of
All he'll have to show
for his life is weeds!
But the one who plants
in response to God,
letting God's Spirit
do the growth work in him,
harvests a crop of
real life, eternal life.
(Galatians 6:1, 4-5, 7-8, The
Take some
time to slowly read through these verses. Read a little, stop and reflect, and
read a little more.
Now, read through them a second time: slowly, line by line,
maybe reading aloud and emphasizing particular words like “forgivingly
Now read through it one more
time. Don’t rush through it. Interact with the words. Read it like you would rest in a warm bath or
linger over a tasty treat.
Now, write
down the passage in a journal. Then, rewrite it and personalize it in your own
on God’s word takes time. Don’t rush through this part. “Your words were found,
and I ate them, and they became for me the joy and the delight of my heart”
(Jeremiah 15:16).
These words
are so important to absorb and apply practically in our marriage. Some
of the key things in this passage to consider include:
Forgivingly Restore (6:1) – In the
original language this means “to mend, as a net, or to restore a broken
bone.” When we sin and especially when
we sin against one another in marriage, like a broken bone, there is a broken
relationship that needs mending! If we look at this verse within the context of
the book of Galatians, we learn that Paul’s case for extending this forgiving restoration
to others is because we have been forgiven and restored by God. When we live in
grace and walk by the Spirit, we pass it on! Take some private time to have
some restoration time with God, thanking Him for His grace toward you. Then,
pray about areas in your relationship with your spouse where you need to extend
grace and forgiveness.
Cancel Critical
Comments (6:1) – They can kill a relationship.
Sometimes, we need to not say what is first on our mind to our spouse. We need
to press PAUSE and think through it. My
husband does this more naturally than I do. I have had to learn that when I
want to do a bit of nagging about something he does that annoys me, I consider how
graciously he “puts up” with me. Even more so, I think about what God has to
“put up” with both of us, and I gain a whole new perspective! God is so gracious and patient with us. We
can be gracious and patient with one another. Once when I was winding up to make
a critical reply in response to a relative who was yelling at us, George saw my
face and quickly handed me a note that said, “We must extend grace,
Carol.” What a concept: I could make a
conscious decision to hold my tongue. I could pray. I could “overlook the
offense” (Proverbs 19:11) because there were deeper reasons for that relative’s
outburst. Proverbs 19:11 in The Message says,
“Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and
forget.” Critical comments kill,
gracious responses bring life.
Do Careful
Self-Exploration (6:5-6)
– This is a good way to apply the point made above. Take some time to do some
careful “sanctified” self-exploration (different from morose introspection).
Instead of giving a list of grievances to your spouse, take an honest look at
yourself. We cannot change our spouse, but we can, through the power of the
Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5), allow God to change us. We have enough to tend
to with our own lives. While we live interdependently with our spouse and as
“one flesh,” we have separate choice mechanisms and cannot make choices for the
other. So rather than comparing yourself with the other spouse and evaluating
where that spouse falls short and you reign supreme, take an honest look at yourself,
evaluating your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Then, “sink yourself”
into that. Then, prayerfully ask God to change you from the inside out in those
things that do not honor Him and to develop your strengths for His glory.
Taking responsibility for yourself is a much better use of your time and can
transform all your relationships.
Choose Selflessness
Over Selfishness
(6:7-8) – The choice we make in this area confronts us every day of our
marriage. Do we choose to live only to please ourselves, concerned with what we
can get out of rather than what we can give in the relationship? The biblical
principle is clear: we reap what we sow. If we sow selfishness, ignoring our
spouse’s needs, and ignoring the Holy Spirit, we reap fruitless, unpleasant things!
But when we live selflessly, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, we reap
blessings beyond self. 2 Corinthians 9:6 in The
Message says, “Remember, a stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish
planter gets a lavish crop.” The context of this passage is talking about
giving money, but it can apply to giving in all areas.
In my singleness, my
mentors modeled a selfless marriage, each giving lavishly to the other. The
wife would often pray that God would give me a selfless spouse.
Maybe you feel
like you have a selfish spouse. But following the principles of the above
three points, you can:
1) forgive them for what you feel you are not getting,
cancel your critical comments toward them, and
3) carefully examine your own
life concerning your own selfishness.
Jesus gave us the ultimate example
because He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a
ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Prayerfully imagine a marriage where you were
both making a conscious choice to follow God in giving unselfishly to the
other. What a harvest of “real living” that would be!
D.L. Moody once said, “The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge but to change
our lives.” We are not to just admire God’s Word. We are to apply it! This
application goes beyond just this retreat weekend and can have a significant impact on
your life and marriage.
Here are some things to consider doing:
- Keep track of how
many critical comments you verbalize to your spouse in a 24-hour period.
Also, evaluate your selfish attitudes and acts. Don’t count the ones made
toward you, but the ones you made to your spouse.
- Find a trusted
friend who can give you some honest feedback. Ask them what they have
observed in your speech and conduct toward your spouse. Then, ask them to
pray for and hold you accountable in the next two steps.
- Evaluate the
above before God, and as He leads, acknowledge any sin to God and ask for
forgiveness when appropriate.
- Then, prayerfully ask God how
you can say and do things to build up and encourage your spouse; focusing
on his or her strengths rather than weaknesses. “Watch the way you talk .
. . say words helpful for building others up according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:19, The Message/NIV).
- Lastly, journaling your gratitude about things you love about your spouse can be transformative. I especially love the concept of Interactive Gratitude, journaling all you are thankful for and listening to what God has to say to you about that gratitude.
"Don’t fool yourself
into thinking that you are a listener
when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the
Act on what you hear!"
(James 1:22, The
Lord, thank You for freedom. Help us to love others selflessly because of Your great love for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.