Genesis 10 covers a significant span of time while Genesis 11 gives a closer look within that time span much like Genesis 2 was a closer look within the overall creation account in Genesis 1. So, Genesis 10 says “each with its own language” (verses 5, 20) because it is assumed that the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 has occurred within this genealogy.
The descendants of Japheth (oldest son) are mentioned briefly because they are not part of the Old Testament narrative. We do know that they spread across Eurasia from the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to Spain.
The descendants of Ham (youngest son) are given in more detail because they do play a major part in the Old Testament narrative as enemies of God’s chosen people. The general area where Ham’s descendants settled was southwest Asia and northeast Africa. Cush is the upper Nile region. His sons and grandsons are identified as relocating to Arabia. The son of Cush is Nimrod who was a ruler of Babylon. (Many secular historians believe that Nimrod is Sargon I who was an early ruler of Akkad.) His kingdom extended to Assyria where he built Nineveh. We will hear about these places especially when we get to the captivity of Israel and Judah and read the prophets.
In addition, Mizraim means “two Egypts” because Egypt was divided into an Upper and Lower portion. Put is considered what the ancient Egyptians called “Punt” which is now Somalia.
The most notable name is Canaan because much of the drama coming in the Old Testament (and into our modern times) takes place here in what is modern-day Israel but was called Palestine before 1947. The sons of Canaan mentioned in 10:15-19 are all the various peoples of Canaan. These small city-states will come into conflict with the nation of Israel. Of note are the Jebusites who are the inhabitants of what would later be known as the city of Jerusalem (Joshua 15:63, Judges 1:21).
And last but not least are the descendants of Shem (middle child). Eber is the origin of the Hebrew word for “Hebrew.” Shem’s descendants occupied the area north of the Persian Gulf. The most important descendant of Shem is Abram who will be our next main character in the “Hall of Faith” of Hebrews 11!
God is setting us up for the rest of the Old Testament by telling us about all the peoples that resulted from Noah's three sons. It is really quite exciting as the puzzle pieces fit together. God is amazing!
It might be helpful to do a family tree for the descendants of Noah to get a visual picture especially when we talk about the Tower of Babel tomorrow.
PRAYER from Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship
by Kenneth Boa (This is a book I use to guide me during my prayer times. See "TOOL" below to find out more about praying through the Psalms)
How great are Your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep. Senseless people do not know; fools do not understand that though the wicked spring up like grass and all the evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever. But You, O Lord, are exalted forever. (Psalm 92:5-8)
TOOL (2023 update)
In 1979, my Bible study leader, Sheryl, met with me and taught me how to pray through the Psalms. It opened up my world, and as I have mentored people over the years, they have told me that this was one of the most significant things they learned from our times together. Here is a wonderful handout from 24-7 Prayer:
Because I am a West Coaster and it is so late I decided to leave this here instead of on the end of todays notes.
About the shame bunny trail...when we are naked with a spouse we feel no shame (or at least I don't!) :-)and maybe that is what it was like for Adam and Eve when they were with God UNTIL THEY SINNED. And then they felt shame in their nakedness in front of God. Maybe he clothed them for their sake and comfort being around Him now that they were aware of it.
Carol thanks for pointing out the capitol punishment thing. That was interesting.
Please pray for my toe. I think I had an in-grown toe nail maybe on both sides that became infected. It is now (stop reading now if you are easily grossed out) oozing puss out the nail. I was in a lot of pain Sunday night but the pain, redness and swelling have subsided.
I don't really have much to add in the way of comments. I did think it was interesting to note the upcoming nations in the genealogy as I read this chapter.
How is your toe later on today. It is sure quiet today on here.
I guess a genealogy isn't very exciting for discussion purposes. I am working on Babel right now. :)
Connie, I think that's where I was headed with the shame issue. God covered their shame. But why were they ashamed? Not just at nakedness, but because now they knew good and evil, and that made their nakedness a different thing (in their eyes). I'm still thinking about the ramifications of "knowing good and evil," since that was one of the main issues God was concerned with as a result of this episode.
Hope your toe is better!
I added some things to this post. 24-7 prayer has come out with wonderful prayer resources. So, I am linking to these periodically.
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