READING: Exodus 25
Now God tells Moses and the people to build a tabernacle. It will be a portable structure that Israel will pack up and carry with them wherever they go until the more permanent temple is built. This would be a place where God would meet with His people. His very presence would be there. It will give a picture of how one can approach God, which will be fulfilled through Jesus. There are a lot of "scarlet threads" in this section on the tabernacle.
Gathering Materials
The people were to voluntarily provide the necessary materials for the tabernacle. Everything had to be given willingly, according to the desire of each man's heart, not imposed as a tax. These were high quality, valuable materials. And the people gave all that was needed and beyond (Ex. 36:5-7).
The Ark & Mercy Seat (vs. 10-22)
The first items described are the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat. An ark is simply a box, and this one was to hold a copy of the law, or testimony, that God was giving to them. (Other objects will be added later.) This ark represents the very presence of God. It is covered by the mercy seat. The word for mercy seat literally means a covering. It is the place where sins are covered, the place of atonement. Christ will become this covering for our sins, and His blood will provide for our atonement.
The Table of the Showbread (vs. 23-30)
Like the ark, this table is made of acacia wood and completely overlaid with pure gold. Also, both pieces of furniture have rings attached with poles through them. This will enable the Israelites to carry them without actually touching these holy objects.
The Bread of the Presence, or "showbread" as it's also called, is set on this table. There are twelve loaves, one for each tribe of Israel. The bread represents God's provision for Israel's "daily bread" and Israel's communion with God. Jesus will be called the "Bread of Life." (See John 6:32-35.)
The Lampstand (v. 31-40)
Here is another object made of pure gold and very ornate. This would be the only source of light inside the tabernacle whereby the priests could see to do their work. It represents Christ, the "Light of the World."
The tabernacle, all of the objects in it, and all of the practices done there will provide a way for man to approach God and for God to commune with man. My sin has to be covered in order for me to be in the presence of God, so God provides a way for that to happen. His Law is preserved in an honored place, and should likewise be hidden in my heart. He provides the bread over which I commune with Him and by which I live. He provides the light by which I can see Him, His Word, His provision, His covering.
I just want to encourage everyone to keep reading attentively. The details of this section can get tedious, but if you have a good understanding of the law, the tabernacle/temple, and the priesthood, you will have a greater appreciation of many of the events to come later in the Bible.
Thank you, LORD, for providing a covering for my sin. You are a God of great mercy! My soul rejoices in the God of my salvation. Amen.
Now God tells Moses and the people to build a tabernacle. It will be a portable structure that Israel will pack up and carry with them wherever they go until the more permanent temple is built. This would be a place where God would meet with His people. His very presence would be there. It will give a picture of how one can approach God, which will be fulfilled through Jesus. There are a lot of "scarlet threads" in this section on the tabernacle.
Gathering Materials
The people were to voluntarily provide the necessary materials for the tabernacle. Everything had to be given willingly, according to the desire of each man's heart, not imposed as a tax. These were high quality, valuable materials. And the people gave all that was needed and beyond (Ex. 36:5-7).
The first items described are the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat. An ark is simply a box, and this one was to hold a copy of the law, or testimony, that God was giving to them. (Other objects will be added later.) This ark represents the very presence of God. It is covered by the mercy seat. The word for mercy seat literally means a covering. It is the place where sins are covered, the place of atonement. Christ will become this covering for our sins, and His blood will provide for our atonement.
Like the ark, this table is made of acacia wood and completely overlaid with pure gold. Also, both pieces of furniture have rings attached with poles through them. This will enable the Israelites to carry them without actually touching these holy objects.
The Bread of the Presence, or "showbread" as it's also called, is set on this table. There are twelve loaves, one for each tribe of Israel. The bread represents God's provision for Israel's "daily bread" and Israel's communion with God. Jesus will be called the "Bread of Life." (See John 6:32-35.)
Here is another object made of pure gold and very ornate. This would be the only source of light inside the tabernacle whereby the priests could see to do their work. It represents Christ, the "Light of the World."
The tabernacle, all of the objects in it, and all of the practices done there will provide a way for man to approach God and for God to commune with man. My sin has to be covered in order for me to be in the presence of God, so God provides a way for that to happen. His Law is preserved in an honored place, and should likewise be hidden in my heart. He provides the bread over which I commune with Him and by which I live. He provides the light by which I can see Him, His Word, His provision, His covering.
I just want to encourage everyone to keep reading attentively. The details of this section can get tedious, but if you have a good understanding of the law, the tabernacle/temple, and the priesthood, you will have a greater appreciation of many of the events to come later in the Bible.
Thank you, LORD, for providing a covering for my sin. You are a God of great mercy! My soul rejoices in the God of my salvation. Amen.
Yes, I so agree that these passages are important for a foundation for understanding so much that is in the NT. If not for justice there would be no such thing as mercy. And the tabernacle is a picture for us of spiritual reality.
I love that the people gave willingly, what they wanted to, for the furnishings and weren't coerced.
The last time I studied the tabernacle in-depth was August 7, 2000. I found my notes after meditating on verse 8: "And let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them." I was on the 23rd floor of the Pan Pacific Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia looking out at the clear blue sky, praying over this city that I love. I meditated on the different colors of the tabernacle and wrote their names in Malay with my new colored pens: Biru (blue), Unggu (purple), and merah (scarlet). The tabernacle was colorful! They were colors of royalty and fine linen. God loves beauty and detail!
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