Friday, May 22, 2009

Hosea 6:11b-7:16: Rebellion in Israel

LINK: Hosea 7


Metaphors for Israel continue to abound as the nation is referred to as a dying man, flaming fire, unturned bread, senseless dove, and faulty bow. They are guilty but they do not "cry out" to God "from their hearts" (v. 14) or "turn to the Most High" (v. 16) even though he "longs to redeem them" (v. 13)


If you are caught in some sin, cry out to God from your heart and turn to Him. He really does long to redeem you!


Lord, we worship You as our gracious Redeemer. Thank You that You have loved us with an everlasting love and drawn us with lovingkindness. We praise You for Your compassion and ask that You would draw us to You in true repentance. We ask that You would cause our hearts to cry out to and turn to You alone. Amen.

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