Monday, April 12, 2010

Acts 7 - Stephen

by Katrina

LINK: Acts 7

Acts 7 is a long chapter, so I'll keep my comments brief . . .

As Becky mentioned yesterday, Stephen became the target of the Jews. He was brought before the Jewish Council and falsely accused of blasphemy. Most of chapter seven is Stephen's defense which was more like a sermon than anything else. He recited the highlights of the history of Israel beginning with Abraham. He brought out many of the blessings God poured out on the nation, as well as God's involvement in the events that occurred through the ages. Stephen also pointed out Israel's habit of rejecting God's commands and killing his messengers. He clearly blamed these Jewish leaders for murdering the Messiah. They were so angered by this indictment that they stoned Stephen to death, making him the first Christian martyr.


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