Monday, July 20, 2009

Isaiah 54 - Restoration

by Katrina

Isaiah 54

Chapter 53 told about the Servant who would suffer in order to intercede for the transgressors. He was the sacrifice that would satisfy God and provide justification for man. For the Jews, this meant restoration to their former relationship with God.

The imagery in this chapter is that of a husband-wife relationship. God is the husband who has always been faithful, and Judah is the unfaithful wife. God temporarily rejected Judah because of her sin, but then brought his wayward wife back to himself and renewed his covenant with her.

God restored His people historically when they were released from their captivity in Babylon and returned to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem. But the ultimate restoration will occur when the Messiah returns to Zion and builds the city with precious stones (vs 11-12) and teaches everyone Himself (vs 13). In that millennial kingdom, Israel will be productive and strong, and will never be oppressed again.

Notice all the references to God's compassion. Reflect on His great compassion today.

Lord, we praise you for your great compassion. Without it, we wouldn't stand a chance! You remove our shame that results from our sin, and remember it no more. Truly you are a gracious God, full of lovingkindness for your people. Thank you for your great love! In the name of Jesus, amen.

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