Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 142: Numbers 28

Regular Sacrifices

Numbers 28

Numbers 28 and 29 are a run-down of all the offerings and festivals Israel was to observe. The exact offering for each occasion is specified by God. Verse two is key where God says, "You shall be careful to present My offering, My food for My offerings by fire, of a soothing aroma to Me, at their appointed time."

God has established this sacrificial system in order to provide communion between Him and His people Israel. The relationship of the people with their God is dependent on their obedience in giving these regular offerings. The instructions are very specific and detailed.

I'm not going to list them here for you, but I think it would be beneficial to write out a list from today's chapter (and tomorrow's) of all the offerings God required. It helped me to see what God required (and to pay better attention to what I was reading ;) ).

We need to be intentional in our relationship to God. I think it is significant that God wanted an offering every morning and every evening. He calls it a "continual offering" and repeatedly says to do it every day. It never stops. Other offerings are added on special days, but they never replace the daily ones. Through the twice daily offerings, the people would always be aware of God's presence. Likewise, our communion with God is to be continual.

Are you continually aware of God's presence? Are you spending time with God daily? The purpose of this online Bible club is to provide a structure for spending time with God on a daily basis. Our time with God -- in His word and in prayer -- are the ways we connect with Him. It gives us the communion we need with our God. Make sure you take time daily, twice daily even, to commune with God.

Father, we don't come to you through the blood of bulls and goats but through the blood of Jesus. You have given us continual access to you and allow us to come boldly before your throne. You have provided more than we could ever have hoped for even if that was all you had given us! Wow! to have the privilege of coming before the Creator God with praise as well as requests! Lord, let me continually be aware of your presence. Let me bring an offering of praise to you daily. What an incredible blessing it is to commune with the one true God! Let me not take it lightly, but learn to be intentional in spending time with you and continually commune with you and grow in you. Through Jesus, Amen.

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