Monday, June 22, 2009

Isaiah 25 & 26 - Songs of Praise

by Katrina

Isaiah 25-26

Chapter 25 is a song of praise to God for His salvation. It speaks of a time when all of God's enemies will be destroyed (vs 1-3). Yet God will provide refuge (vs 4-5), then a feast (vs 6-12), for His people.

Chapter 26 is another song of praise. This song emphasizes the righteousness and peace of the kingdom. Jerusalem will be an impregnable city built on the Rock of God, and only those who trust in the Lord will enter it (vs 1-6). Isaiah describes the longing that God's people have while waiting for Him (vs 7-9) as well as the lack of understanding in the rest of the world (vs 9-11).

The Lord will establish peace for Israel. All the tyrants who have ruled Israel throughout history will be dead, never to have power over them again. And the Lord will extend the land of Israel. Isaiah compares the chastening of the Lord to the travail of a woman in childbirth. However, Israel's labor produced nothing. They failed to give birth to the blessings God intended for them to give to the world. (vs 12-18)

Verse 19 tells of the resurrection of the dead. At the end time, all people will rise and be judged.

The chapter closes with God's promise to shelter His people and punish His enemies (vs 20-21).

Read reflectively through these two chapters, looking for the words of praise. Personalize these praises and sing your own song or pray your own prayer of praise to God.

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