
Welcome to Year Two of the BBC!

Congratulations! You have completed Year One of the Bible Book Club.  I have highlighted (darkened to a deep blue and purple) the books that we have completed.  

In Year Two, after a review of history from last year (1 Chronicles 1:1-2 Chronicles 1:9), we will cover history from the divided kingdom (1 Kings 12) through the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities and the Return from Exile! I will be interspersing the prophetical books and Psalms in the context of that history.

But before we go on, we will go back in history to the time of the patriarchs in Genesis (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) and read through the poetical book of Job. I did not want to insert it in the middle of Genesis because it is a long book, and it would have broken up the historical narrative in Year One. 

Hold on to your hats, we are in for a bumpy ride, but just remember one thing: 


Friday, May 1, 2020

May in Numbers and Deuteronomy


The entire books are here:



1.     Numbers 33 & 34
2.     Numbers 35
3.     Numbers 36
Bible Study Tool: Numbers Chapter Titles
4.     Deut. 1
5.     Deut. 2
6.     Deut. 3
7.     Deut. 4
8.     Deut. 5 & 6
9.     Deut. 7 & 8
10.  Deut. 9
11.  Deut. 10 & 11
Bible Study Tool: Application
12.  Deut. 12
14.  Deut. 15
15.  Deut. 16
17.  Deut. 19
18.  Deut. 20
19.  Deut. 21
20.  Deut. 22
21.  Deut. 23
24.  Deut. 28
26.  Deut. 30
27.  Deut. 31
28.  Deut. 32
29.  Deut. 33
30.  Deut. 34
BIBLE STUDY TOOL: Deuteronomy Chapter Titles
31.  Psalm 90

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

April in Leviticus/Numbers


1.     Leviticus 23&24
2.     Leviticus 25
3.     Leviticus 26&27
4.     Leviticus 26&27
5.     Numbers 1
6.     Numbers 2
7.     Numbers 3
8.     Numbers 4
9.     Numbers 5&6
10.  Numbers 7
11.  Numbers 8&9
12.  Numbers 10
13.  Numbers 11
16.  Numbers 15
17.  Numbers 16
20.  Numbers 20
21.  Numbers 21
22.  Numbers 22
24.  Numbers 25
25.  Numbers 26
26.  Numbers 27
27.  Numbers 28
28.  Numbers 29
30.  Numbers 32

Friday, February 28, 2020